Rent baby equipment:


In case of an emergency


Emergency call

In case of emergency, dial these 3-digit numbers:

Pharmacies on-call

Click on this link in case you need to find an emergency pharmacy or hospital in Budapest.

Heim Pál Children’s hospital

1089 Budapest, Üllői út 86.

+361 459 9100

How to get there:

You have to get off of each public transportation at Nagyvárad square (Nagyvárad tér)

  • By tram 24, terminating from Keleti train station (Keleti pályaudvar), get off at the 6th stop
  • From the direction of Déli train station (Déli pályaudvar), take metro M2, change to metro M3 at Deák square (Deák tér), and get off at the 6th stop towards Kőbánya-Kispest
  • From Nyugati train station (Nyugati pályaudvar) get off at the 7th stop of metro M3 towards Kőbánya-Kispest
  • From Kelenföld train station take bus 103 to Népliget terminal, change to metro M3 towards Újpest, and get off at the first stop
  • From Ferencvárosi train station take tram 1 to Népliget, then change to metro M3 towards Újpest and get off at the first stop.

Dear Customers!

Due to technical reasons we are closed from the 11th of February to the 13th of February.
Thank you for your understanding!

Flora MiniGroup Team